So Josh woke up on Tuesday with a temp of 102.5.... And of course we decided not to send him to daycare. I called to let them know that he was running a fever and they commented that he may have "Hand/Foot/Mouth" virus. I was like - um okay. I read up
on it in my "first year book"... Symptoms are fever followed by blisters in the throat, on the hands, and soles of feet. I immediately try to see into Josh's mouth without much luck. I then decide I should call the doc. So the nurse tells me that 102 is pretty high for that type of virus. But if it is, it will go away on its own and to only call back if the fever remains for 72 hours. By about 1pm... I decide it is time to make an appointment because I just don't want to chance another ear infection.
On the good side... no ear infection. On the bad side... he has the virus (or disease as the nurse kept saying). Why do they call it a disease?? It makes me feel like it is going to be permanent if it is a disease. I then make sure to ask the doc what I need to do to ensure the company coming that weekend doesn't get sick. She replied, "disinfect everything with some diluted bleach water" but adults rarely get this. So I called all the friends with kids to give them the warning. Most of them appreciate the heads up and opted not to come... A relief to me in a way.
The rest of the week was horrible for Josh. He was just plain miserable and only had blisters in
his throat. We just kept giving him popsicles and really warm milk/water. And LOTS of tylenol and motrin. Oh - that is another thing - why does Motrin work SO much better than tylenol??? We ended up just doing Motrin for an entire day... and that seemed to go much better. Jim and I took half days all week to make sure he didn't have to go back to daycare. It also let the two of us catch up on some sleep because he seemed to only take a good nap during the day.
Ahh.... parenthood and daycare...