This week Josh is officially 9 months old! He had his checkup also this week and is weighing in at 18 lbs 12 oz (21%), height is
27.5" (25%), and head circumference 46 cm (71%).
He is army crawling when he REALLY wants something like his pacifier or the dog toys. He pulls himself up on the coffee table and walks around it and to and from the couches which require him to let go for a step. He tries letting go of your hands every once in a while and can stand for about 15-30 seconds without holding on to someone or thing. He says "mama", "baba", and "bob" clear as ever. Whenever we try to say new things like "dada" or "hilo" he looks up at us and yells "bob". So we refer to Jim as "bob" now. Maybe he misunderstood me calling Jim "Jimbo" for "Jimbob". If so - he is pretty smart. And that may explain his significantly large head! He loves the fact that he can stand in his crib now and sleeps very well at night.
As for food we are pretty much onto table foods now. He loves grilled cheese, any type of sandwich, tacos, spaghetti, and almost every type of dairy food out there. Yogurt is a favorite with his oat cereal, he loves eating cottage cheese, and the Kraft si
ngles aren't too shabby either. It seems to take at least an hour for him to finish eating because he hasn't quite mastered the chewing part... but it gives us plenty of time to finish cooking our dinner or cleaning up. We give him a sippy cup with juice, water, and milk and he isn't really loving it. He will drink from it and you can tell he is getting some of it because it seems to pour out of his mouth... but he has more fun banging it on the tray and throwing it to the ground than drinking from it. We will continue working on it. He almost does better when we just hold our own cups up for him to sip out of. It tends to be messier - but he loves to drink from mom and dads cup!
So that is Josh at 9 months... Man time flies! We finally bought him a snowsuit because the weather has been so ridiculously cold... as you can see from the picture he doesn't move much once it is on!
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