Josh LOVES reading books and always has. He usually gets pretty attached to one book for about a week and we have to read it sometimes 2-3 times before bed. I think we average 3-4 books a night at a minimum. Favorites have been One Fish Two Fish, A to Z of Hockey, The Hungry Lion, If you Give a Mouse a Cookie books, Dooby Moo, and Trucks. This week we brought out Cordoroy (about a bear that is a little worn and being sold at a toy shop). After the story, Josh got off of Jim's lap and went to the stuffed animal basket and pulled out my teddy bear from when I was 1 yrs old. I LOVED that teddy bear and it shows, the pictures from when my grandma had given them to the grandkids at Christmas show a nice and plump, furry teddy bear that is a golden brown. I think my mom had to sew on the arms a few times and re-stuff it. I have had that teddy bear with me my entire life... even had it in college. It has been loved. So when Jim told me Josh wanted to sleep with it that night... I actually got teary eyed. I had to go check it out... and then go downstairs to get the camera. That teddy bear is hand made by my grandma Donna, lived to seem me through college... and now cuddles with Josh.
Baby #2 - 17.5 weeks
Wednesdays appointment has made me believe that we are expecting another boy. Heart rate has been in the 160-165bpm range until this appointment. It was 153bpm. Where Josh was at. Weight gain to date 5lbs. Belly size - 34". Again bigger at this point than with Josh. I am forsure 3" bigger around at this point. Kicks - I can definitely feel something but I wasn't sure if I could truly be feeling kicks this early. It is so different from Josh, which felt more like rolling or swishing around than actual kicks and I didn't feel them until 19 weeks. So when the Dr. asked me on Wednesday if I have felt the baby move I said "I think so". She didn't think I was crazy. And when we listened to the heartbeat... Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, WHACK, whoosh... Dr said - yep that forsure was a kick - did you feel that? I said YES! How cool!!! While I type this baby is moving around like crazy. Must have liked the pizza we had for dinner. :)
Corduroy was one of my FAVORITE books!
SO jealous that Josh is close to being potty-trained!! We still have two in diapers... ugh!
That picture of him and your teddy bear is precious :)
My son carries around my 25 year old Scooby Doo toy. I love it:)
Nice job on the potty training!
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