Our way to share the fun of our growing family with our friends and relatives around the country...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
32 Weeks and 2 days...
Sunday, March 25, 2007
The weekend went too fast!
After breakfast mom and Ann packed up to head home. So sad to see them leave, however they promised to return and to bring some additional relatives... Shannon, Ali, and Kristy! Looking forward to that already!
After they left we went to our friends so Jim could help the
We finally got home at 9:45... and yes - I should be in bed. But I didn't get a chance to upload the finished Bathroom pictures yet... Jim did an outstanding job remodeling it... and thanks to my mom and Ann, the bathroom is decorated and finished!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
What a Saturday!
We got back home to find that Ann and my mom had set up bouncy seats, the swing, and the jumparoo. They also managed to take Hilo for a long walk. We grabbed some lunch and then the ladies were off to return the items we had receipts for or we knew were on the registry as purchased (Target). Babies 'R' Us was the first stop and believe me the customer service gal was less than thrilled to go through the mess of receipts. We managed to return all but a single blanket at Babies 'R' Us. Then we drove 30 miles North to Green Bay to return the Target stuff. They have a greatland in Green Bay and the baby section is significantly larger there. The returns took a long time again and even included a call to corporate to overide the registry error code! Yikes I had no idea it was that difficult! But again - we managed to get the items we wanted returned. We then spent the next 1.5 hours shopping for bathroom decorations and getting some necessities for the baby room. Next, we went back to Appleton and stopped at the Hobby Lobby. My mom's and now Ann's FAVORITE store. I was pretty much toast at this point, so when asked - do you like this picture... I replied yes everytime. Finally I decided it was time to let my mom and Ann figure out the bathroom decorations and I found a comfy spot on a bench. We got back home and were plain old exhausted.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Gift Registries
I left both stores with about half the items I brought in to return and was definitely frustrated! So advice for those friends and family members either thinking about getting a registry together or buying a gift off the registry... USE CAUTION. If the item you are buying is on the registry - make sure you get it crossed off. And besure to attach the gift receipt to the gift. It is all to common for people to be shopping at the same time... and pick up the same registry items.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Practice makes Perfect...
Hanging out with Mandy, Eric (2yr old), and Willa (2 week old) was pretty darn fun. But I had a lot to learn. I told Mandy I was in charge of diapering all day for Willa so I could get better at it. I was doing pretty well until she decided to poop and pee as I was changing her. I had to keep scooting her further and further up the changing pad (thankfully we had a cloth down to catch the mess) as she did this 3 times after I had pulled the dirty diaper off. This had been my first ever encounter with this. Thank you Willa for the experience. Eric is getting some new teeth so he was running a bit of a fever and of course only wanted mom. So I was able to get Willa dressed. Another learning experience. They are so tiny and don't really help you get their arms into those tiny sleeves! And the last lesson was on bath time. Never had done that so Mandy showed me how along with how to swaddle. Definitely will need a refresher!
Jim had a good time in Madison - at least from the phone calls and text messages I got throughout the day and night. He is on his way home now. And I am sure he will be very eager to work on that first floor bath!
Hilo had a blast on the farm I am told. He really liked the fresh cow milk and apparently their food. He spent a lot of time barking and trying to play with the big cows who didn't seem to acknowledge his presence, but the calves gave him some attention. Chris dropped him off at about 6 pm and he was out until about 8 this morning. Nice!
On a side note - belly hadn't gone past 39 inches for the last couple of weeks... I measured on Friday because I was feeling particularly bigger... and I am now at 41! So 2 inches in a week. Nice - we'll have to get a new belly pic up on the blog soon!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Almost 31 Weeks Along...
Tuesday we had another doctors appointment. We had the "Labor talk". Very basic info telling us what signs to look for and what to do if we think I am in labor. Always good information to know! Baby is growing right on track - belly measures 30.5 cm, weight is up 21 lbs, and heart beat was between 146 and 155 bpm.
The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. Work has been pretty busy again for Jim and I so we are really tired by the time we get home. It is March Madness and also St. Patty's day this weekend, so Jim is heading to Madison to visit with his friend Mark and fiance Tara. They are going to Madison to hangout with Mark's brother Josh. I would go - but the whole drinking all day and being in bars just for some reason doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun at this point.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Baby Shower in MI
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Willa Jean has Arrived!
Friday, March 2, 2007
Belly Pics... at 29 weeks!
We had a doctor appointment this week and again baby was measuring just fine. This appointment was the glucose test for gestational diabetes. I had to drink a super dooper concentrated orange pop and then they drew blood one hour later. It tasted fine, but definitely gave me the shakes... I am not used to caffeine or sugar that early in the morning... And baby was responding too. The first read on the heart rate was 167 bpm... and then it dropped to 154 bpm. But good news is I don't have gestational diabetes. Measured 28.5 cm so that is on track too. It is very hard to believe that we have only 11 weeks to go - of course that is if baby arrives on cue... which we know is not likely!